{I've Been Discovered!}

Tonight my wonderful (not so) baby boy says "I discovered a new planet today." Um, OK Mr. Doesn't Even Own a Telescope, how did you discover a new planet?

"I googled myself and discovered planetcaddick." Oh, that could be bad. Think quick mom, have you said anything bad? Yes. Are there possible embarrassing pictures of your now teenage boy? Oh yeah. This begs the question "Are you ok with me putting stuff of you on the blog?" "Oh yeah, I'm fine with that." Whew! It's not like I was actually going to stop or anything. =)

His favorite page - "Life Lessons from Zach" (natch). I feel he will be making sure I add to that more often. He also pointed out that I haven't blogged since the 17th of July. *gasp* He has no idea how long my no writing streaks can last! Silly boy!

Funny thing is I was thinking about having him start a little blog (or take over my homeschool blog) for typing and writing practice. That's a good idea.....

But the big question I forgot to ask - 'Why were you googling yourself?'


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