Science? Really?

Well, I've been terrible about updating this blog - my other blog also sits on the sidelines waiting for me to update.

We've had some setbacks in the last month. I finally realized my son was missing important math skills, so we've put our 6th grade math on hold and have moved back to 5th grade. We are moving through it pretty rapidly, focusing more on the things that he missed in public school. I'm not sure why this surprised me since I had to do this the first year we homeschooled too. I could just kick myself for being silly enough to put him into public school for those two years. I hope we can get on track and be at grade level by the end of the year.

The bain of my college classes right now is Science. I've never been good at Science. This strikes me as odd since it is the one subject my son excels at. He took one of my pretests (not official, just in the book) and scored way better than I did. A college level test - one that sadly had me stumped. Plus I got the "everyone knows that mom" look. :-) We may not share the love of science, but we do share the sarcasm gene!

We did go on a field trip with our homeschool group. Pumpkin patch and corn maize! Zach loves the corn maize! The day was perfect and we did meet some new kids, nothing that has meshed itself into friendship yet, but this week is the skate day so we are going to go to that too and see if we (he) can click with someone. He's so very particular and choosey - which is good, but can also be lonely. 

So, I leave you with some pictures of our picture perfect field trip day ~

Have a great week!


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