What's Your Song? 8.18.11

I've missed almost of month of link ups with Goodnight Moon. I'm embarrassed and ashamed.

We were on vacation for three weeks - for one of those I didn't have internet. For the other two I have no excuse. But while we were road trippin' we listened to a lot of music. Hubby has XM in his truck and since I got to pick the music the two stations of choice were Hair Nation and '80's on 8. I know you guys really didn't expect anything else, right?

So for my coming back song I picked one that I heard while traveling. I really loved it back then and I still love it (and shamelessly I remembered all the words when it came on the radio!).

Enjoy, from the year I graduated, Kyrie by Mister Mister!

Until next time ~ Kris


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