Tuesday Phone Link Up

I so look forward to Tuesday's now!  Which is weird, because other than this I got nothing on Tuesday - so thanks Jessica for making my life not so lame!  So, what crap is on my phone this week?  hmmmm

Elf Emma
My little elfish niece 

Elf Matthew

and her older brother

So these next two are going to need a back story.  My phone is lame - but I was bored and figured out I could do kind of cool stuff in picture mode.  Here are two shining examples of how non creative I am!

What the?
Why is my son 'talking' about hubster?
IDK 'kay? I'm pretty sure I could 
figure out some more creative way to
use this....maybe

My shoe
Yes, it is my shoe.  And it's cool that I 
can add a polaroid frame to pictures
but lame that I have to try and write
with just my finger.  And yes, those
are pink crocs.  Don't judge!

Sometimes I make random, obvious observations 
and they go something like this
"Note to self - glue from a hot glue gun is hot"
This is why I make those statements

Hot Glue

Our Cub Scout Pack collects and donates books
to the local library every year
this year we donated over 300

Library Donation

Your turn - grab that there button up there and have fun!  And don't forget to check The Lowe Family News for the little linky tool!

Until next time ~ Kris


  1. ugh, i have done that far too many times with the hot glue gun,
    i wish MY phone did cool stuff, it just does "lame" really well. ;)

  2. Ouch. That glue gun burn looks pretty dang painful. On the bright side, your elves are adorable.

  3. haha little elves!
    and holy moly hot glue guns do suck..dont do that lol

  4. Sweet crocs!! :) And doesn't it stink when those obvious obversvations can only be made after proving them.. i.e. burning yourself on the glu gun THEN decide its hot... Haha!

  5. Cute Elves! I've burnt myself on hot glue more times than I can count. I love crocs in any color!

  6. Hot glue is my true enemy! I can never use it without some blisters at the end.

    Crocs are comfy, I wear them in the garden. My in-laws' garden. When I am picking the food they grew because I kill every plant. Ha!

  7. A) Your little elves are just adorble!

    B) I totally do "note to self" all the time. Thank you for making me feel less weird and lame.

    C) I'm totally jealous of your "lame" phone. Mine is so lame it can't do any of those cool things. Heck, half the time it can't even stay on without a problem!

  8. Those kids are just adorable!

  9. I love polaroid pics! And pink crocs? Man...

  10. Wow 300 books?! Thats awesome!! The kids are so cute with the elf hats! :)

    And the hot glue gun..... ouch!! hope your hand feels better soon :)

  11. crocs are so comfy!! and ouchity ouch, thats what i look like too after i get in a freak glue gun fight accident while workin on crafts.

  12. Ok. The picture of UR shoe was awesome. I dunno y I liked it so much but i did. I think it was the finger writing.

  13. Ok. The picture of UR shoe was awesome. I dunno y I liked it so much but i did. I think it was the finger writing.

  14. A) Your little elves are just adorble!

    B) I totally do "note to self" all the time. Thank you for making me feel less weird and lame.

    C) I'm totally jealous of your "lame" phone. Mine is so lame it can't do any of those cool things. Heck, half the time it can't even stay on without a problem!

  15. Hot glue is my true enemy! I can never use it without some blisters at the end.

    Crocs are comfy, I wear them in the garden. My in-laws' garden. When I am picking the food they grew because I kill every plant. Ha!

  16. Sweet crocs!! :) And doesn't it stink when those obvious obversvations can only be made after proving them.. i.e. burning yourself on the glu gun THEN decide its hot... Haha!

  17. haha little elves!
    and holy moly hot glue guns do suck..dont do that lol


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