It's Tuesday!!

Tuesday means one thing - What's on my phone link-up day! Jessica has a button now too which is so freakin' cool! So, grab the button and link up here!! Think you don't have any cool pics on your phone? That's O.K. - you know you have random, weird shots - and those are the ones we all love!

And now, without further ado - my offerings for the week...

The first guy probably looks familiar -
I have been helping decorate the 4th grade hall for Winter Wonderland
the tree and birds are new - great little artists and crafty teachers
I'm just the manual labor

Sunday, we were in the Christmas Parade here in town.
Before the parade started were trying to stay warm in the car
goofing off ensued ~

yes, we do bunny ears a lot in this family

And finally,
because I DO have lame pictures this week
see, I told you it was o.k.

This was the temperature this morning
when I dropped Zach off at school
I'm pretty sure I still live in South Carolina....

I should have dusted my dash before snapping this shot
oh don't you love my MIchigan State phone skin?
Go Green!

Your turn!
Grab your phone
upload some shots
grab the button
link up!


  1. I love the new button too! I was thinking the same thing about my dusty dashboard yesterday also. Maybe a car 1st aid kit is in order. For me it would have a swiffer duster, boogie wipes, hand sanitizer, empty plastic barf bags, and one of those sleeping mask things... for waiting at school for the kids of course!

  2. holy cow, 20 degrees? my car temperature thingy stops at like 35, then any lower than that it just says ICE. hehe.
    cute blog!

  3. gotta love bunny ears, classic!
    holy coldness, and whoever has a dustless dash is not human. ;)

  4. I had to do a double take this morning too! We're in Florida and mine said 24! =/
    Great decorations for the kids school!

  5. Love the hall decorations. So pretty!

    My kids are really into bunny ears too!

    It was 38 here in Texas this morning and I thought that was cold!

  6. Well, I'll chime in but everybody's going to hate me. It was in the low 70's this morning.... haha! But I'm jealous of your weather because I look my best covered in sweaters and that doesn't happen here! Thanks for sharing!

  7. haha you've gotta love random shots. God thats cold...I cant believe this weather lately! but im happy we didnt get any for thanksgiving

  8. haha I love random candids...and love the bunny ears!!

  9. 20 degrees? whew! no good!
    love the Christmas crafts :)

  10. Oh man! 20 degrees is cold! Thanks for linking up! :)

  11. 60's in my neck of the woods. ;)

  12. The display board looks good, we are packing up our classrooms ready for the new year over here, so no fancy displays for me...

  13. i used to decorate the bulliten (sp?) board for my church every month and it was soooo fun to be creative :) urs reminded me of days when my brain wasn't full or baby crap and other junk and there was ROOM left in it to be creative. *sigh* i sure miss those days...

    thanks for playing!

  14. 20 degrees? i'm jealous...that's been our high this whole last week.
    and bunny ears are a must this season.

  15. haha I love random candids...and love the bunny ears!!

  16. Well, I'll chime in but everybody's going to hate me. It was in the low 70's this morning.... haha! But I'm jealous of your weather because I look my best covered in sweaters and that doesn't happen here! Thanks for sharing!

  17. I love the new button too! I was thinking the same thing about my dusty dashboard yesterday also. Maybe a car 1st aid kit is in order. For me it would have a swiffer duster, boogie wipes, hand sanitizer, empty plastic barf bags, and one of those sleeping mask things... for waiting at school for the kids of course!


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