In honor of CG

My dearest baby boy - who isn't really a baby anymore - is turning 8 this month.  Time really does zoom along much too quickly.

CG was born on Daytona Weekend (yes, a typical southern reference!) or President's Day Weekend to the rest of the country.  He was our definite "miracle child".  After 4 miscarriages and almost 7 years of trying we finally had our bundle of joy.  As much as we wanted another, that was not destined to be - so of course he's pretty much my life!

The time has moved quickly - too quickly.  Now he's in 2nd grade and it feels like I just brought him home.  He's doing so much on his own, which is of course what all parents want, but it still makes me feel a little sad.  

Of course, 8 is not 18 - but honestly, when I see how quickly the time has gone by, I know that the next 10 years will probably zoom and then he will be gone.  Trying to raise him to be a productive, caring, well balanced person.  Will he turn out to be everything I hope he will be?  Only time will tell.  


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